
What is Real Faith?


Copy of Bible Closeup & Cross

Christianity is under attack around the world.  Although it is the largest religion in the world with over 2 Billion adherents (33%), it is under attack by Muslim terrorists, Communist governments, and atheists. Every day we can read about the violence committed against Christians, including kidnapping, be-headings, imprisonment, death sentences, being burned alive, and destruction of their property and homes. One ministry, Open Doors, publishes a list of the top 50 nations with the most persecution of Christians in the world, with over half of them experiencing severe persecution. I have personally traveled to and met Christian leaders in many of these nations, including Nigeria, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, Colombia, India & Kenya.  I also work with the leader of a ministry in Pakistan that is conducting our training there as well. And what I witness, and have come to know, are the risks they take and the devotion of these Christians to their faith and to Christ – no matter the cost!

And so it begs the question, what is real faith?  Do we have to face severe persecution to know if our faith is real or not? Most American Christians, including myself, have never faced this type of persecution in our lives. We are free to worship and practice our faith without fear of detection, violence or even death. We go about our lives and never really have our faith tested like Christians in some of these nations. But we feel persecution nonetheless.  We feel it when atheists work to remove God from our institutions and government.  We feel it when the culture denounces anyone, or any business, that opposes gay marriage, homosexuality, abortion, or takes a stand for Biblical principles. And we feel it when Christian viewpoints are mocked or ridiculed in public discourse or the media.

Christians everywhere are in a battle.  But the battle is not against Muslims, communists or atheists.  It is against the forces of Satan and evil.  Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12 that “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  As Christians, we must remember who the real enemy is. And whether we take a stand or go into battle, it is against the forces of Satan and evil that we must contend with for our faith, and not the people he is using to persecute us.

Jesus did not tell us that if we follow Him our lives would be easy or prosperous, contrary to what some preachers in our nation are saying today. Instead, Jesus said “In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)  He also told his disciples in Matthew 10:22 that “all men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” And Paul wrote to his protege Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:12 that “in fact, everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” In other words, as a follower of Christ we are to expect persecution! It comes with the territory of being a Christian. And when we stand up for God, Jesus and the Bible in America (or the world), this persecution will test our faith.

So, what is real faith?  It is believing in God’s Word and trusting in Him in every circumstance and despite every struggle or persecution.  It is having the courage to stand for Jesus in a world that would kill Him all over again, and us as well.  It is having love enough for others to speak the Truth and to fight against the sin and evil that would corrupt them or us and turn us away from Jesus. Real faith is following Jesus to the cross, denying ourselves, and putting our lives in His hands.

So how do we know if our faith is real? I have long believed that if our faith is not being tested or challenged then we probably aren’t living out our faith. When our faith is evident, Satan and the world takes notice and will try to shut us up or intimidate us.  But if we are silent and do not live out our faith, then we are no threat to Satan or his evil purposes and he does not need to bother with us. So the only way to know if our faith is real is if we are truly living for Jesus, being His feet, hands and voice to our generation, and being persecuted because of it. As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, “…we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory.” (Romans 8:17)

But we must also know that when we live out our faith and suffer for Jesus, He is always with us to help us (Matthew 28:20).  And no matter what happens, Satan cannot snatch us away from Jesus if we put our trust in Him and hold on to our faith. Jesus said in John 10:27-28 that “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”

What a wonderful promise Jesus gives to those who are faithful, who listen to His voice, and who follow Him.  Let us be the ones who follow Christ in America, the ones who truly have a real faith!

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One Response to Persecution

  1. Rohit says:

    Christians like Jews are suicidal at times ( Since Christianity is relaly a sect of Judaism, this is no surprise). They mistake forgiveness for abetting atrocity. Their there own worst enemies when it comes to self preservation. I should know being one. Always wanting to be loved , but are hated for our morals, standards or even actions for good.That we love the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob,intimidatingly puts a target on our backs, by the “Prince of this World”. With his legions of murdering lackeys. There imitations as well. The tares in the Church or Israel of the good harvest of God.

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