What Will You Stand For?

MC900196562There is an old saying that says, “if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.”  In our culture today of political correctness and relative truth, very few people seem to be willing to take a stand for their beliefs, especially if it runs counter to conventional thought.  That’s why most politicians are careful not to take definitive positions on issues until they know how it resonates with the voting public.  And if one does speak out on their beliefs, often they are immediately chastised by the media or harassed by those who take an opposing viewpoint.  We seem to now live in a country where freedom of speech is apparently not so free.  While we can still speak freely in public (for the most part) we must also be ready to endure the consequences.  It is not easy to take stand today, and it is becoming much more difficult to take a Christian stand or to take a stand for the truth of the Bible.  Yet the Bible commands us to  “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15).  Today, Biblical truth is often not very well accepted in our culture, and to take a stand for Biblical truth is often met with criticism, intimidation or even outright harassment.

So it seems to me that there are few people today willing to take a stand for Biblical truth in our society.  But is that really any different than it was 2000 years ago when the first disciples went out to proclaim the gospel and the truth about God incarnate in Jesus Christ?  The first disciples were all persecuted and eventually killed for their faith in Jesus Christ and public statements about Him and His truth.  The Bible even says in 1 Peter 4:12 “that we should not be surprised at the painful trials we are suffering” and then in 1 Peter 4:14 that “if you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed.”  As a matter of fact, we are called to share in Christ’s suffering if we truly are to follow Him.  2 Timothy 3:12 says “in fact, everyone who wants to lead a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”   So if we are not being persecuted then perhaps we are not taking a stand for Jesus or Biblical truth in our culture.

So the question every Christian must ask themselves is this:  Am I willing to stand for Biblical Truth?  If not, then we are not being obedient to God’s Word.  If we are, then we must be ready to accept the consequences of public ridicule and scorn like the first disciples.  We must also be armed with that truth so we can articulate it clearly and confidently.  And we must do it all in love, and with “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).  It will not be easy.  But if we are faithful to God’s Word, He says we will be blessed. 

If we want to see our culture change and turn to the Lord, then we are the ones who must take a stand today for Biblical Truth.  We must take that stand in the public arenas, in schools, on Facebook & Twitter, in our places of employment, in our communities, and in our neighborhoods. We must continue to speak the Truth in love and let the Holy Spirit lead others to accept His truth. And we must be willing to endure the consequences knowing that in doing so we will unltimately be blessed.  If we Christians fail to do this we will continue to see our culture move further away from God and His truth.

I pledge to take a stand for Biblical Truth in our culture.  Who is with me?  If all Christians unite together, we can change the culture!

Barry Voss

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One Response to What Will You Stand For?

  1. Steve Armbrust says:

    I stand with you brother, and love your website! I also have great hopes for our churches website…

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